Tuesday, February 7

CDB2012 :: Video Recap

Hello Everyone, hope you are all having a fabulous February! It's been really great catching up on all your tweets and blog posts.  It looks like we can all agree, that all the events around IDS this year, left us inspired and energized! Even better to see is all the new connections and friendships that have been made because of our meetup.  Again, THANK YOU so much for all your enthusiasm and support.

Here is the final video of the event.  It's a great clip of all that inspired us, and a great way to recapture the energy of the evening.  Some great moments captured from Cassandra, Lisa, Cameron and Brian.  Thanks again to Len, who filmed the event and produced this upbeat piece.

1 comment:

  1. Vitania:

    This video is fabulous - like reliving the event again. I'm so glad to have been invited and to have participated in such a well curated event. Can't wait for the next one!
